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Adult Family Homes - Assisted Living Communities - Home Care - Care Givers
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Using local accounts explained
If you do not have an account in one of our supported identity providers you can use Local Care Homes services with local account. To create local account you need a valid email address. You need to fill your email and choose password in the register account form. Activation link will be sent to your email to confirm your account creation. After successful account activation you are ready to proceed with your client data.
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Morality and Decency
Premier does not tolerate any racism, bigotry, misogyny or intolerance to others based off who they are, where they come from, what gender or sexual orientation they are.
While we appreciate the task of dealing with clients that may have some other views, we will not tolerate advertising or promoting those views on our site.
If something goes against our policy we will suspend account and notify account holder. If changed account will go live again.
In order to keep an account active all payments must be made on time, failure to do so will result in a suspended account. Suspended accounts from default payments will be re-activated once paid.
All promotions are as posted and will be applied to accounts.
Premier does not offer cash refunds, but for the exception of accounts canceled.. Any discrepancy must be addressed within 30 days.
We reserve the right to suspend or delete any account for any reasons named or anything deemed to go against our values. If account is deleted then refund will be sent and account holder will no longer be welcome to post on our site.
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